Free Webcast
4 Secrets to an Employee Value Proposition that Immunizes Against “The Great Resignation”
Clue: Make it Irresistible
In the wake of the pandemic, businesses are experiencing a troubling trend. Employees are leaving their companies—in large numbers. This phenomenon is so unique it’s even been given a name, The Great Resignation.
Enterprises that simply sit back and hope their companies won’t be affected by this trend are guaranteed to regret it. Instead, to avoid falling prey, they must take steps to ensure their organizations don’t become vulnerable—and soon.
So, what are those steps and how do companies prevent themselves from becoming victims of this trend?
Those are the questions that will be answered in this webcast. We will show you what a value proposition must include if it’s going to immunize your company against The Great Resignation.
In this presentation you will learn:
- The four areas of the employee experience that top talent considers the most important.
- The importance of communicating and delivering a compelling future—and how employees define “compelling.”
- Why you must treat your people like growth partners.
- Why you must know your employees’ unique abilities and align their roles with their distinct talents.
- The importance of providing opportunities for personal and professional growth in your company that your employees couldn’t gain elsewhere.
- How to create a pay offering that effectively communicates the growth partnership you want to have with your people.
- How your employees view their compensation and why their opinion should matter to you.
- How to create line of sight so your employees understand the importance of their contribution in future of the business.
VisionLink has been developing successful pay strategies for companies in a wide range of industries since 1996. We have advised hundreds of business leaders on their employee value propositions. We know what works for both employers and employees. In this broadcast, we share what we’ve learned with you.
Featured Presenter:

Ken Gibson
Ken is Senior Vice-President and a principal of VisionLink. He is a frequent speaker and author on rewards strategies and has advised companies for over 30 years regarding executive compensation and benefit issues.