How to Turn Your Employees into Your Growth Partners
Transforming the Employee Relationship
As a business leader, you want to be surrounded by people who are as committed to growth as you are. You want more than employees. You want growth partners.
The question is, how do you make that happen?
Learn how from three experts in building high-performance cultures.
How to Build a Culture of Commitment & Engagement
Anita Grantham, Head of HR, BambooHR
Anita is a leader’s leader who has helped multiple organizations build high-performance cultures driven by a unified vision for growth. In her presentation, she will share secrets to creating an employee experience that turns employees into committed, engaged growth partners.
How to Ensure Employees Consistently Meet Your Expectations
Teresa Easler, Founder, Connect to the Core
In her presentation, Teresa will share a tool and process for developing agreements with your people that will ensure they produce the results you expect them to achieve. Teresa’s work is centered on getting employees to do what you want them to do while simultaneously securing their buy-in.
5 Keys to Turning Employees into Growth Partners
Ken Gibson, Senior Vice President, VisionLink
In this portion of the PowerUp, Ken will share the characteristics of true growth partner employees and why you need your people to assume those qualities. You will learn how to empower your people to become stewards of their roles and take ownership of the outcomes you hired them to produce.
What are PowerUps?
PowerUps are FREE two-hour virtual events that will be held four times during the year. Each will feature experts in building high-performance cultures.
Every PowerUp will have a specific theme in support of our commitment to helping you Boost Growth with Growth Partners.
PowerUps will help you accelerate the achievement of the ambitions you have for your company’s growth. So, plan to attend them all.
VisionLink’s theme for 2024 is Boost Growth with Growth Partners. Under that banner, over the next 12 months, we will be sponsoring events and providing learning tools to help you transform the commitment of your people to company growth.
On September 26, we will be holding our second annual virtual conference. This event will feature a full day of learning from successful CEOs, authors, thought leaders and other experts sharing tools and ideas for transforming employees into growth partners.
Watch for upcoming details about this event and sign up early for the best pricing.