Incentive Plan Design Resources | VisionLink

Retaining Key Talent at North Wind Group | VisionLink

Written by VisionLink | December 04, 2024

Inside North Wind Group and VisionLink's LTIP-Inspired Partnership

North Wind Group is a multi-disciplinary federal contracting firm serving diverse clients, from the Department of Defense to various civilian agencies. North Wind's capabilities in environmental services, construction, engineering, facility operations, and industrial response and reclamation require it to maintain a talent base with a wide range of skills and experience.

"Our competitors have the ability to offer certain employees equity in stock. We do not. We had to create an alternative to having equity as a means to retain our top talent and recruit new talent into the company."

John Bukowski, Chief Operating Officer of North Wind Group

North Wind needed a compensation solution that would retain their leadership talent and motivate the "frozen middle"—mid-level managers with potential for senior positions but no clear path upward.

"We had immediate results, and we hit our numbers every year. The plan that VisionLink helped us implement made a big difference. It has meant millions in growth each year."

John Bukowski, Chief Operating Officer of North Wind Group

The LTIP's success extended beyond meeting financial targets, however. Employees became more invested in the company's overall performance, understanding that their value-creation contributions produced collective rewards in which they would participate. This understanding and focus also led to a stronger alignment between individual, team, and company-wide goals.

Throughout the LTIP development process, North Wind found a flexible growth partner in VisionLink, which led to further collaboration. After acquiring an engineering firm in 2023, North Wind reached out again to VisionLink to create a principal incentive plan (PIP) to help them retain principal engineers who were at risk of leaving once their earn-out period ended. 

"The PIP VisionLink helped us implement has been successful in ensuring stability and continued growth within that part of our business. Growth is exciting and it means opportunity for all of our employees. It gives us the ability to reinvest in the company and to put people through MBA programs."

John Bukowski, Chief Operating Officer of North Wind Group


The plans produced through the collaboration between North Wind and VisionLink have demonstrated that incentives have the power to increase employee performance, foster retention, and drive continued annual growth in the competitive federal contracting industry. North Wind's plans positioned the company for long-term success. Their partnership with VisionLink gave them a replicable process, which enabled them to continuously update, communicate, and operate their variable pay offerings.

North Wind continues to consider and explore new incentive plans, including a version of the LTIP that would extend a pathway for career growth to more employees. Here is North Wind’s chief operating officer’s advice to others considering VisionLink as a partner in developing a growth-oriented pay strategy:

"Be very open and honest about the problem, and VisionLink will provide practical, effective solutions. They don't say, 'this is the way it is, take it or leave it.' They listen very intently and digest what you tell them. They have seen a lot and done a lot and can share best practices from similar situations."

John Bukowski, Chief Operating Officer of North Wind Group